Monday, February 17, 2014

Sick and Sicker

Remember when we were young and carefree, living out our dreams of rainbows and unicorns. On occasion we would find ourselves feeling under the weather.

No no, not like THAT. Thank God that chapter has slammed shut. I had enough of those days. I'm talking about a flu bug. You know, the one that caused you to call in sick so you could rest your weary bones and care for you delicate little self. The self that had hopes, dreams and goals in life. Like this:
Because who doesn't get their weave did and face made up when they were sick BEFORE kids. Anywho......So the point of all this being, sick as an adult is uber lame-o. But that's not what I will be giving you a visual of today. This is about the little people who didn't get the memo that your hopes, dreams and goals did not include someone puking, coughing, oozing etc. all over you while they are sick.
Naturally there are a few ---->zillion<---- reasons why a sick kid may not be on your rad radar but THIS  particular flu with our 2 year old has been the holy grail of unradness. The coughing that has taken place is insane. And disgusting.
So gross. If I weren't so busy saving the world one nap at a time, I would TOTALLY clean my house. Lets be honest,  Downton Abby isn't going to watch itself.
Along with that is the goopy eye. That's right people, the ole' bog eye. It's oozy, crusty goodness has caused a slight bit o' the blindness in this wee lad. I am sure that this will be necessary to tattoo on his
While all of that is gross, the worst part may be that he wants to sleep in our bed EVERY. NIGHT. Sleeping with Titus is, how I would imagine sleeping with an emu, along with a wolf from the snowy mountains of tibet, in a burlap bag, that you throw into the ocean in the middle of winter. That may seem extreme but I assure you it's not. It's almost like he is ANGRY at sleep. But he doesn't know what a GIFT sweet, sweet sleep is. She is a precious and kind creature that deserves respect.
After one of his particularly angry sleeps, I woke up as Kurt was getting ready for work . He mention that Titus had kicked him an extra amount that night. I figured he was exaggerating.
I looked at him and saw he was. He is such a crybaby. I asked him where it hurt and he was a little vague.
Thank goodness he seems to be on the mend. I'm not sure how much more I can take. Plus they want you to be honest on your craigslist ads and disclosing a gross flu makes it less likely someone will take him. Luckily I was able to put my makeup on this morning and show the world the gift that is me!!
I have really been trying some new styles and hope you like it! Until next time!!!

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